

“Dys-lexia” does not exist least not in the way it has been described, analyzed and defined.

There is no such thing as a reading disability. There is only a teaching disability.

Millions of dollars are spent only on identifying “dys-lexia”, with ambiguous tests and opposing specialists, all leaving a foggy trail behind, supporting a massive industry that thrives on “dys-lexia”.

Labeling is easy and a need for the part of brain that is responsible for causing the problem in the first place. Parents see the identification as a relief and accept their child’s “problem” as a fact.

There is no brain disorder.

But there is a brain difference.

Our civilization is afraid of differences and thus finds a way to keep them at a “safe distance” by attempting to fix, heal and change whatever spoils the “normal” perception.

Who is capable of describing “dys-lexia”?

Each field of expertise will give you a different definition of “dys-lexia”. It is a different matter to the educator, the psychologist, the neuroscientist etc. Each has the need to support his own view against another. Seldom do scientists, educators, counselors agree or cooperate in their research, findings and interventions for the good of the child and society as a whole.

Each “dys-lectic” person will tell you a different story about his “dys-lexia”, according to their experiences, the traumatic school encounters, their achievements or failures in life, their emotional state and belief system.

Can “dys-lexia” really be put in a box?

Do we have to have a name for everything, categorize everything and thus stop paying attention to it (because that is what we do when we think we know)?

Are we so afraid of change, the unknown, a different possibility that we cannot (or won’t) see what is in front of us?

How long still will we have the need to hypnotize ourselves in our little matrix world pretending that nothing exists outside it because we are afraid to tear down our antiquated ways?

Do we need to start thinking differently about “dys-lexia”? Can we throw everything we know out the window and start over?

In whose “best interest” are we really acting if we don’t?

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